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Using Weeva
Using Weeva
How to add and organize stories and photos in a book project.
By Hayley and 1 other
2 authors
21 articles
Writing Stories
How many entries can I add?
How long can an entry be?
How do I select a chapter for my entry?
I know I added content but now I can’t find it. Where is it?
How do I "like" an entry?
Adding Photos
Can I add multiple pictures to an entry?
How do I create a photo album?
How do I add photo captions?
How do I edit a photo?
How do I edit a photo album?
Is there a size limit for uploaded pictures?
Can I upload a video, music, or other audio?
Starting Chapters
What is a chapter?
How do I start a chapter?
How do I change the chapter title?
Organizing Content
Rearranging Chapters
Moving entries to other chapters
Reordering Entries
Project Access & Profile Settings
How do I edit my user profile?
What's the difference between public and private projects?
I was invited to a project but can’t access it. Help!